Tuesday, June 4, 2013

MLB Showdown 2012 Fan Custom Cards

               One of our treats we offer around here is if our fans get sets from us we allow them to make some custom historic cards if they so choose. In that instance we like to pass on our creations to you the fans to see what was made. Last week showed off half of the Mariners greats which we created. This week we will show off the other half of the collection.

Alex Rodriguez 1996: If you want to find a good MLB Showdown card I recommend you start with Alex Rodriguez. This guy already had a slew of amazing Showdown cards. His 8, 15-20 HR speed A 2000 card, His 10, 18-20 HR 2001 card is great but looks like a bum next to his 10, 17-20 HR 2001P card. He also has a 10, 17-20 HR third base 2009 card. This guy doesn’t need another great card…but we will give him another. How about the great 1996 year? He earned himself a 10, speed A (20), 18-20 HR, 14-17 2B, 13 1B+ for a SS+3. For 680 points you are getting an all-around producer. The question is if he is worth while? Not sure yet but he will post great stats for himself.

Bret Boone 2001: Remember the MLB Showdown 2001 card from WotC is actually for the 2000 season. This card we made much more accurately shows how great of a year he had. His +200 hit season had 37 homers and 37 doubles. He earned himself a great RBI fifth hitter card. For 450 points you get an 8, 17-20 HR, 16 3B, 13-15 2B for a speed B(14) 2B+3 for 450. Of course he will do better against lower control guys but at 450 points he is very reasonable. He also fields well enough to be part a majority of line-ups. He is a very exciting option for a low OB, impressive chart player.

Dan Wilson 1997: Dan Wilson was overshadowed by many of the more prodigious catchers like Ivan Rodriguez and Mike Piazza. He was a very solid player for the Mariners for many years. Maybe the statistics won’t show him to be some all-time great player but joy of rooting for a team often is rooting for underappreciated players. For 240 points you get a 7, 19-20 HR, 16-18 2B with a C+8. That is a very useable card. He also sports a speed B(17). I think the Mariners fans out there will enjoy this card.

Edgar Martinez 1995: The strike shortened 1995 robbed many people of achieving even more great years. Edgar Martinez had a great year and could have gotten and even better card had he had 2 more hot weeks of stats. None the less he earned a very serviceable first base card. He had an 11 OB, 19-20 HR, 15-18 2B, 12-14 1B. He like most 11’s has a high walk but a low out. He will get on the base. He can bat third and with a speed C(12) will score better than the 2000/2001 Showdown 11’s. 

Randy Johnson 1997: “The Big Unit” had a great 2000 MLB Showdown card. He was a part of those great Mariners teams. Randy could flat out strike people in a time when you could get away with being a 2 pitch pitcher. He earned himself a card which can protect himself speed. He is a 4, 3-12 K, 13 GB, 14-17 FB, 18-19 BB, 20 2B with 7 IP. He costs a stiff 640 point. He does not need a great infield defense because he only has a single GB. He also doesn’t need a great catcher with his huge strike out. Where he ranks among the all-time best cards is still up for debate. 

For information on acquiring your own set and having your own custom cards made e-mail Redsoxman2011@gmail.com


  1. This is an interesting mix of Mariners. Love the Randy Johnson card, he is an absolute tank. The Brett Boone card is a very intriguing option, especially when you consider that he plays a position that often lacks great options. I also love the high contact factor with that card when he gets the advantage. As for the A-Rod, a very powerful card for that position and the speed is sizzling. Definitely a guy you would have to build your team around though considering the points.

  2. Love the Edgar card. He will get on base so much and hopefully throw in lots of 2B's as well.
