Thursday, June 4, 2015

#TriviaThursday - 6/4/15

Last week, we had another first time winner of #TriviaThursday when @TweeterLeGrand identified Todd Hundley as the catcher to break Camanella's HR record for catchers.  Ah, his card brings back so many MLB Showdown memories...

This week's question also has to do with the long ball.
Who, among active players, has the highest single-season home run total for a player under the age of 25 (not the player's current age, but their age when they hit those home runs)?
1) All questions will be baseball questions, sometimes relating directly to MLB Showdown, but not always.
2) While it is impossible to regulate this, please refrain from using an internet search engine to find the answer.  If you know it, congratulations!  If you have a fairly educated guess, give it a shot.  We ask for your honesty in following this guideline.
3) Twitter answers must include the hashtag #TriviaThursday and be sent to me @RokTikiTiki in order to be counted.  Those sent to @MLBShowdownGuru do not count.
4) If no correct guess is made by the following Wednesday at noon ET, there will be no winner for that week.  A hint will be added on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday until there is a correct guess or the Wednesday deadline is reached.

Current Standings:
@JMoeller5 - 9
@kris_barnes7 - 6
@Averey25 - 3
@CKiritz - 1
@TweeterLeGrand - 1


  1. Just sending some love to that beautiful Hundley card. Give me that advantage.

  2. I never realized what kind of chart this Hundley card had. Then again, back in the day, I stacked my teams with 9s and 10s. Sexy card.
