Monday, February 18, 2013

MLB Showdown 2012: Shortstop

                Shortstop is a tough position for Showdown. It is not cheap to hit and great fielders are sometimes very flawed players. First things first, Derek Jeter is the ageless wonder. Nomar Garciaparra is announcing games now, A-rod is a shell of a shell of his former self now. Derek Jeter? 216 hits, 15 home runs, 32 doubles and .316 average. I am not sure anyone has anything but respect for one of the games great ambassadors. They king of shortstop mountain has not been Derek Jeter the last few years however. That person has been Troy Tulowitzki. Tulo was hurt a majority of the year but was productive in short time. The kid who stepped up? Ian Desmond had 25 homers and 21 steals to help the Nasty Nats make the playoffs. Jose Reyes could not match the other-worldly year he put up last year but was still a productive player. Not to toot our very own Dr. Juice’s horn but the Marlins did bat Reyes third toward the end of the year to put him in more RBI spots… that is why Dr. Juice is a pro ladies and gentlemen.

                Power hitters have often punted at this position. That may be the option most of us go with this year. JJ Hardy has often been a nice player toward the end of the line-up because of his good fielding and good power. This year he is a 5, 16-20 HR, +5 fielder for 180 points. I do not see a lot of people using him this year at that price tag. The kid Ian Desmond is likely the player to tag here as the best power option if you do not want to punt. For 350 points you get an 8, speed A (20), +3 fielder with 18-20 HR, 15-17 2B, 14 1B+. Likely not worth the price tag also but he is an option. A usual mention on this power list is Troy Tulowitzki and that is the same this year. 300 points for an 8, speed B (16), +1 fielder with 18-20 HR, 17 3B, 15-16 2B, 14 1B+. Both Desmond and Tulowitzki are late in line up options for too many points but in draft leagues they may have to be options.

                Pingers and Money Ballers have a couple of choices. First Derek Jeter is a nice player that most people have uses for the Pingers and Money Ballers need to shuffle him up on their draft lists. Jeter is a 9, speed A(18), +4 fielder with 20 HR, 16-19 2B. With 8-15 1B he can bat first or second. He will get runs and RBI from the 2 hole. Pingers have always loved Scutaro for his good OB and his lack of extreme power, average speed, and solid fielding. This year is no different. 250 points for a 9, speed B (14), +3 fielding, 20 3B, 17-19 2B.

                Clint Barmes is only 2 points but he is the annual 4 OB. The speed C (10) and lack of power at a 20 HR make him all but useless except as a point saver. There must be a more useful 2 point player. Johnny Peralta at 24 points for a 6 with +5 fielding and 20 HR is maybe a hair steep for a defensive replacement but people seem to like to gobble these guys up. Not to harp only on defensive replacements but John McDonald is 8 points for a 5, speed C(12) with +5 fielding. Offense is lacking or too expensive here for bench players. 

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