Friday, April 26, 2013

#ShotsFriday: Strategy Card Options

               Happy #shotsfriday to everyone again. We have had a light year this year with people being able to find long balls thus far. Last week we had no shots. That means Dr. Juice @markrom3 is still the leader with a single homer by whom else but Justin Upton. We are changing the rules for #shotsfriday and saying you can message in your shots any time during the week. Remember to use our hashtag #shotsfriday or tag me in it. We always support you spend your Friday listening to pump up music and enjoying your favorite work appropriate beverage. Please tweet us any time all week with who you think will homer this week.

               We are going to be unveiling our new look for some new strategy cards here in the coming weeks so I thought I would take this opportunity to remind everyone of some of the different strategy card options available to everyone when playing MLB Showdown.

               Deck Draw: this is the way the original Showdown leagues were played. The first rulebook stated that decks would be exactly 60 cards. Players began each game drawing 3 cards and an additional 1 card after each half inning. Players were not allowed to play more than 4 of a single card in their deck. Players were allowed a 15 card sideboard (total of 75 cards), which were 15 cards which could be interchanged between games. If a player drew all 60 cards he could no longer draw any more. There were variations where if a player drew all 60 cards he could shuffle and flip his discard pile over. He could then draw from that as he did his original deck.

               Stud: This format has players begin the game with a predetermined number of strategy cards in their hand. Limitations to duplicate cards are also predetermined. Players do not draw every half inning. There are strategy cards which allow for drawing. This is done from the discard pile and the player is allowed to choose which card is drawn. It should be noted that the original strategy cards were designed for Deck Draw play styles. Any such cards which allow for drawing of discarding should be forbidden in these leagues. That would mean since only our blog acknowledges Stud as a play style that only these cards should be allowed for drawing and discarding.

               Pure: This play style has no strategy cards. There are basic baseball concepts which normally require strategy cards which are thus implied during pure rules. These include but are not limited to stolen base attempts, intentional walks and sacrifices. Other special advancements like going from first base to third base on a single result should be predetermined.

               Every play style may have custom limitations placed on by leagues to promote a play style you prefer. Common limitations are + to swing limits. We traditionally use a +4 limit (which under our rules allows every player the ability to hit a home run). Other limits including limiting decks or stud hands to only 1 “leave on the player card”.

Markrom3: 1

Justin Upton:1

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