Thursday, March 12, 2015

#TriviaThursday - 3/12/15

Last week, @kris_barnes7 got the #TriviaThursday correct first by answering Bert Blyleven.  With that, he got his third correct answer of the year.

This week's question is a tricky one.  In fact, it took me about two hours to verify myself (I thought I knew it, I just needed to confirm).  But here it is:

In the history of the All-Star Game, there were twelve seasons where the starting pitchers from the AL and NL also pitched for the teams representing the AL and NL in the World Series.  Of those twelve seasons, only once was the same team represented in consecutive years in this fashion.  Name the team and the years. 
1) All questions will be baseball questions, sometimes relating directly to MLB Showdown, but not always.
2) While it is impossible to regulate this, please refrain from using an internet search engine to find the answer.  If you know it, congratulations!  If you have a fairly educated guess, give it a shot.  We ask for your honesty in following this guideline.
3) Twitter answers must include the hashtag #TriviaThursday and be sent to me @RokTikiTiki in order to be counted.  Those sent to @MLBShowdownGuru do not count.
4) If no correct guess is made by the following Wednesday at noon ET, there will be no winner for that week.  A hint will be added on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday until there is a correct guess or the Wednesday deadline is reached.

Current Standings:
@JMoeller5 - 4
@kris_barnes7 - 3
@Averey25 - 2

1 comment:

  1. Hint #1:
    The team in question was one of the 10 teams that Will Ferrell played for yesterday (which is what gave me the idea for the question).
