Monday, May 25, 2015

MLB Showdown 2014: Starters 600-560 Points

The 560-600 point range is interesting. In a lot of instances it is going to be your Ace and in a lot of those instances he is not going to be the best pitcher. Doesn’t mean don’t pick them. It just means these guys are going to need some help. This is usually a price point where I am drafting late because I ended up missing out on high point players I wanted earlier. 

                In the 6 control range the person who stands out to me as a potential trap is Doug Fister. As a 6 control, 20 2B, 17-19 1B, 13-16 FB, 7-12 GB with 6 IP for 600 points. he is ether going to be good or bad. If you have a great catcher he will be good because he can double people off first. If you don’t he will be bad because people are going to run on you. I actually like Max Scherzer more as a 6 control, 20 2B, 17-19 1B, 16 BB, 12-15 FB, 10-11 GB with 7 IP for 590 points. He ceiling may not be as high as Fister’s but he doesn’t need a team around him to be great. You can worry about mashing and he will prevent enough runs on his own.  Jared Weaver should be taken after both these guys as he isn’t much more than just a 6 control horse of a starter. He looks like he will lose a lot as a 1 and be too expensive as a 2.

                Shields, Roark and Baumgardner are all 5 control, 20 2B, 17-19 1B with 7 IP for 580 points. Shields and Roark are identical and not heavily sought after so you can take these guys late after the other has been picked. Baumgardner gains a non-advancing out over those guys and has the same size ground ball all for the same price. This obviously means he should go before Roark and Shields.


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