Thursday, January 15, 2015

#TriviaThursday - January 15th, 2015

Well, @Averey25 was paying attention where I wasn't.  I posted this week's #TriviaThursday, but accidentally set the schedule for it to post at noon on TUESDAY instead of THURSDAY.  It works out because nobody got last week's question correct, so I called the Tuesday post a redo and gave @Averey25 the point.  He did have the first question correct, but missed out on it due to not following rule #3 for #TriviaThursday.  Only 51 more weeks of questions left!  And by the way, Tuesday's question's correct answer was Bobby Thigpen, who had 57 saves in 1990.

This week, I am going to stay in the pitching stats category.  Here is this week's #TriviaThursday question:

Which pitcher currently holds the lead in career strikeouts among active players with 2437 strikeouts?
Just a reminder of the rules again:
1) All questions will be baseball questions, sometimes relating directly to MLB Showdown, but not always.
2) While it is impossible to regulate this, please refrain from using an internet search engine to find the answer.  If you know it, congratulations!  If you have a fairly educated guess, give it a shot.  We ask for your honesty in following this guideline.
3) Twitter answers not including the hashtag #TriviaThursday or not sent to me @RokTikiTiki will not be counted.  Those sent to @MLBShowdownGuru do not count either.
*4) If no correct guess is made by the following Wednesday at noon ET, there will be no winner for that week.  A hint will be added on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday until there is a correct guess or the Wednesday deadline is reached.

Now, to the good stuff...the prizes.  This contest will run the entirety of 2015.  The player with the most points at the end of the year will earn 5 free custom cards.

Good luck, and Happy #TriviaThursday!

@Averey25 - 1

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